What will getting your invoices paid quicker do for you? If you get your cash sooner, you can buy more product and then sell more, you can take advantage of discounts offered by your supplier and reduce the interest you pay for your operating loan. Use this calculator to see what early payment will mean for you!
Cost/Profit Calculations (Assumes 12 Month Usage):
Average Invoice Amount:
Invoice Terms (Days):
Early Payment Reduction (from suppliers):
Gross Margin %:
Bank Interest Rate:
Fees: $
Increase in Sales: $
Increase in Profit: $
CAMSA in the News
Featured Case Study
This company had designed a unique product for commercial application. The U.S. was their key target market. They were just entering into the commercialization stage after being involved in research and development for a number of years.
Community Involvement
Since our inception, Camsa has been actively involved in giving back to our community - it’s something we feel is important and it is an integral part of our core values. Within the Halifax Region, we are proud to have provided support to numerous organizations.
As evidence of our commitment, in 2015 Camsa initiated our very own unique fund raiser to support local charitable initiatives. This fundraiser – Captains and Cooks will continue as an annual event.
Contact Us
Head Office:
Camsa Inc.
5184 Bishop Street
Halifax, NS B3J 1C9
Toll Free: 1-866-444-6555
E-mail: info@camsa.ca